Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I’ve made all the 45 degree edge cuts to the laser-cut plates from Ponoko, now to put it all together. First we (my Dad and I) taped all the pieces in place:



Then used superglue on the inside seams and waited a day for it to dry completely:


In order to make the box totally seamless, we decided to use magnets to hold the bottom plate in place. My Dad flies model planes a good bit so we cannibalised one of the motors (very similar to a CD ROM motor) and took out all the tiny but powerful magnets from the inside the main motor hub.



Then using a spare side piece as a prop for the bottom plate we worked out where to stick the magnets (using the key hole cut outs).



I think I used about 6 of these magnet pairs in the end, any fewer than that and the bottom would fall of when you picked it up – not good! :)

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