Hi, I'm a total electronics amateur but I thought I'd give making a monome clone a bash. I have always wanted to get back into playing music, but didn't know where to start... It would cost millions to get my music collection on vinyl and start mixing, I tried out a few free mp3 mixers and didn't like them much. A friend showed me Reason and it's fantastic so far, but I was on the lookout for a physical device that would make making music easy and fun... then I saw the monome...
I've wanted a monome ever since I saw Daedelus play, but the guys that make them are inundated with orders. They're not cheap but 100s of them sell out within 24 hours of being available!! They're not even taking any more orders. So, part in desperation and part in persuasion from my Dad, I decided to try to make a clone. Besides, it should be fun (if I don't solder my fingers together or something like that).
The monome (pronounced mon-ohm) is a really cool, minimal, grid of back-lit buttons which can be hooked up with software to play samples & make music. I think it's best shown off with a little demo (I think this might even be Daedelus himself) - it's best at about 1:11 in:
There are a good few others out there making clones too so I'm not doing anything original. They're posting all their progress too, but as I'm a total amateur I can't guess some of the steps they skip. I figure I can have a go at following their instructions and post my progress step-by-step here and it might help others like me.
Hello John!
Congratulations for your exelent work documenting your experience making a Monome clone.
We are two friends from spain who had make our monome clone a now we want to make a blog in spanish about that.
We are using our own images and texts, but we want to know if you want collaborate sharing some photos from the process with us.
We only need to link some photos from your blog to ours.
You can check our recently opened blog at delacrew dot net slash Arduinome_Or_Die
You can let us know your oppinion writting us an email to delacrew at delacrew dot net.
Of course, we will mention your authoring each time we use som image from your blog.
Indeed, we will understand perfectly if you dont want to share the images, and we still really happy beacuse we found and execelent log about Arduinome.
Keep the good work!
BEst wishes.
Delacrew team and LaSonrisaDivina.
Hey guys,
I emailed ye there but yes of course, link away & have fun! But I would say be warned, don't follow my way, I made a couple of big mistakes because I was in a rush! It all turned out well in the end though, monomes are fecking brilliant!!
See ya,
I've replied by emain but I post it here again :)
So, really, really thanks :)
Your info it's really useful, and sometimes it's better to know how not do it ;) despite you have a lot of good ways to do some things.
Yes mate! Arduinome was (and still its) an awesome experience. We just finished ours one week ago and it's simple, we want to make more :D
Monome pawa!!
Bests wishes!!
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