Wednesday, October 29, 2008


All the bad things I was saying about why you shouldn't follow my wiring show up here, basically my Arduinome ended up mirrored - nerdscroll showed this up best (that's supposed to be a J):


To remedy I decided to flip the connector on the Arduinome shield as this would save me loads of rewiring on the SparkFun boards.  Bad, BAD idea.  Nope I hadn't been abusing the solder fumes lately... Here's how taking the pin headers out resulted:


Here's how cleaning the holes out resulted:


So I had to wire up a new shield, what a waste - I really should have just done the rewire on the SparkFun boards.  Now my set up is nothing as neat as it was before:

IMG_0135 IMG_0134

Under-side of Arduinome shield:IMG_0136 

What a mess... at least it's not mirrored any more:


If there is anyone reading these out there I hope they realise (as I just have) that how-to's written by total amateurs (me) shouldn't be followed! :) you have been warned!

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